Posted in Information Age Rule of Law

Time Out to Bash Microsoft For Ongoing Blatant Hypocrisy

Business Insider reports that a post on the Microsoft Technet blog attacking the recent legal finding by FTC that Google has not been acting as…

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Posted in Bat Shit Crazy Clown Car GOP Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Republican GOPosaur Party Tea Party Astroturf Wingnuts

World Nut Weekly Threatens Justice Roberts With Impeachment If He Swears Obama In For Second Term

In an article by a contributor (otherwise known among sapient beings as World Nut Weekly), the wingnuts are offered an open letter to Chief…

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Posted in Deficit Mediscare Social Security Taxes

How to Improve Social Security and Medicare?

The members of the failed Simpson Bowles Catfood Commission, which by the way produced no report that was officially accepted, despite the fact the mainstream…

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Posted in Clown Car GOP Congressional Fail Number Nth Constitution, Bill of Rights Corporate Oligarchy Deficit Economy Letters to Congress President Obama Taxes The 1%

Let ALL Tax Cuts Expire. Revenue Reduces Debt. It Is That Simple.

Faxed to Indiana Congressional Delegation, Pelosi, Reid, and the White House, on New Year’s Day, 2013. I am at this point sick and disgusted with…

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