Category: BushCheney
Posted in BushCheney Constitution, Bill of Rights Letters to Congress President Obama Rule of Law War is Peace
Obama Drives to War on Syria; Constitution in Dustbin of History; Eisenhower on the Militaryindustrial Complex
Ron September 1, 2013
It’s September 1st, leading up to a Labor Day Holiday. Do you know where your Constitution and responsibility launching war against other nations is, You…
Posted in American Exceptionalism BushCheney Congressional War Powers Failure of American Journalism War is Peace
Dying Vet’s Letter to Bush and Cheney on the Iraq War; Rumsfeld as Blood-Gargling Psychopath.
Ron March 20, 2013
Rumsfeld’s colossal Twitter fail. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of launching the Iraq War, Rumsfeld tweets the following: @RumsfeldOffice 10 yrs ago began the long,…