Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Corporate Oligarchy Information Age Rule of Law

Megaupload Take-Down, Copyright and IP, and Why SOPA / PIPA Are Still Bad Law

There has been much in the news the past few days on the take-down of Megaupload. The US government dropped a nuclear bomb on “cyberlocker”…

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Posted in Censorship Congressional Fail Number Nth It's OK If You're a Republican Letters to Congress Police State America Republican GOPosaur Party The 1%

Boehner’s Office and GOP Censor C-SPAN Live Broadcast of House

I still remember the contempt shown the American people by the GOP starting during the Reagan presidency, when those protecting Reagan from the press simply…

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Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Congressional War Powers Deficit Economy War is Peace

The IOUs for the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Will Keep Coming Due for 40 Years or More: 3.7 to 4.4 Trillion Dollars.

Costs for treating Vietnam Veterans did not peak until 30 – 40 years after that war. Calculating the true costs of Bush and Cheney’s adventures…

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Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Corporate Welfare Deficit Economy Failure of American Journalism Income Inequality Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance

Latest False Meme Out of Washington: “The Financial Crisis Was Unforeseeable”

It seems like no politician or staffer to a politician, even a president, had the knowledge or skill set to foresee the current financial crisis,…

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Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Economy Letters to Congress Mediscare Middle Class Death Republican GOPosaur Party

Bruce Bartlett, GOP Advisor to Reagan and H.W. Bush, Speaks Out on GOP Sabatoge of the Economy for Political Gain

Bruce Bartlett is not exactly what one can call a lefty, socialist, liberal, or any other typical slur so casually slung about by the right…

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