Category: Congressional Fail Number Nth
“The Super Congress” Proposal: End Times for the Constitution and the Rule of Law
Looks like Old Ben was right in his skepticism regarding the abilities of his fellow countrymen to hang onto the Republic they had just agreed…
The Cut, Cap, and Balance Act Follies
To: Rep. Todd Young U.S. House of Representatives, IN-09 Cc: Sen. Richard Lugar, Sen. Dan Coats, Pres. Barack Obama Subj: Your support of the “Cut,…
Getting to Crazy. Krugman Hits Nail on Head on the Insanity of the GOP on the Debt Limit
Faxed to: Todd Young, IN-09; Indiana Senators Dick Lugar and Daniel Coats; President Obama, The White House; House Speaker John Boehner; Senate Majority Leader Harry…
Yes, Virginia, the Republicans DID Vote to END Medicare
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has gone public with a new web site: Don’t End Medicare. The howls of the Republicans are filling the nation….
Republican Hypocrisy on Mediscare Simply Knows No Bounds
This people are simply shameless hypocrites and liars. As I wrote yesterday, 42 House Republicans published a tearful, whining letter to the Democrats, begging them…