Category: Constitution, Bill of Rights
Posted in Constitution, Bill of Rights Military in Law Enforcement Police State America President Obama
Yes, Pres. Obama, The NDAA DOES Authorize Warrantless, No Due Process, Indefinite Military Detention by the Military of American Civilians
Ron December 19, 2011
President Obama is about to sign the current National Defense Authorization Act. This of course is one more betrayal by Obama, one more instance of…
Posted in American Exceptionalism Constitution, Bill of Rights Failure of American Journalism Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Police State America
Pretending to Be America. Newt Gingrich and Arresting Judges He Disagrees With.
Ron December 19, 2011
I think of all the things in the past couple of decades that I have come to have the most difficulty in comprehending is the…
Posted in Constitution, Bill of Rights Corporate Oligarchy Information Age Police State America Total Information Awareness
Online Piracy Bill Is Still Bad Legislation That Will Destroy the Internet. Feeling Like We Are “Back in the USSR
Ron December 16, 2011
The truth of the matter is, the MPAA appears to have authored the so-called stop online piracy acts that members of Congress are trying to…
About that Right to Peacefully Assemble and Petition?
Ron December 13, 2011
Here is a video on Youtube that was put together collating multiple videos shot of the pepper spray incident from multiple vantage points, time synchronized…
Ron Paul on the Insanity and Costs of Our Endless Orwellian Wars of American Imperialism
Ron December 11, 2011
I disagree with Ron Paul on most of his financial and social positions. But on the topic of the insanity of the American Imperial War…