Category: Deficit
Posted in Deficit Economy It's OK If You're a Republican Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Republican GOPosaur Party
Under What Presidents Did National Debt Grow the Most?
Ron December 28, 2011
Reagan 189.0% Bush 43 89.0% Bush 41 51.6% Carter 42.6% Clinton 36.0% Obama 34.0% National Debt by President Since 1976
The IOUs for the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Will Keep Coming Due for 40 Years or More: 3.7 to 4.4 Trillion Dollars.
Ron December 16, 2011
Costs for treating Vietnam Veterans did not peak until 30 – 40 years after that war. Calculating the true costs of Bush and Cheney’s adventures…
Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Corporate Welfare Deficit Economy Failure of American Journalism Income Inequality Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance
Latest False Meme Out of Washington: “The Financial Crisis Was Unforeseeable”
Ron December 11, 2011
It seems like no politician or staffer to a politician, even a president, had the knowledge or skill set to foresee the current financial crisis,…
Ron Paul on the Insanity and Costs of Our Endless Orwellian Wars of American Imperialism
Ron December 11, 2011
I disagree with Ron Paul on most of his financial and social positions. But on the topic of the insanity of the American Imperial War…
The Current Dysfunction of Congress and Malice Intent
Ron October 10, 2011
Robert Gates is not exactly what I would call a flaming liberal. Registered member of the GOP, he headed the CIA for two different Republican…