Category: Ethics and Morals in Society
Inspired by Jesus General to Write Once More to Lowe’s
Ron December 17, 2011
Inspired by ACTION ALERT: Stop Lowe’s from using Arabic Numerals, and as a followup to my email to Lowe’s a few days ago, I just…
Posted in Ethics and Morals in Society Failure of American Journalism Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Religion Rule of Law
Boycotting Lowes for Their Caving to the Irrational Bigots Among Us
Ron December 12, 2011
I just posted the following message to Lowe’s via their customer service web page. Because of your decision to pull ads from the Discovery Channel…
Posted in Ethics and Morals in Society Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Republican GOPosaur Party Separation Church and State
Hate Will Keep Us Together. Rick Perry Hates on the Gays.
Ron December 8, 2011
Imagine a slight rewrite of that great Captain & Tenille song, Love Will Keep Us Together. A rewrite for the Rick Perry presidential nomination campaign,…
Again, Obama Caves to the Right on Morning After Birth Control Availability. Does He Have Any Real Principles?
Ron December 8, 2011
And in today’s news update in the current GOP War on Women, we see that Sebelius has overruled the FDA on the over the counter…
Engineered Avian Flu Could Kill Half the World’s Population
Ron December 5, 2011
OK. Today’s happy thought. Our species will, ultimately, just take care of ridding the planet of itself, I suspect. The insects and the cockroaches will…