Posted in Constitution, Bill of Rights End of Privacy Information Age Police State America

Patriot Act Not Good for Business for Cloud Computing

Aside from other pitfalls to which Cloud Computing is subject, it is interesting to note that potential foreign customers are hesitating to put their data…

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Posted in Censorship Information Age Internet Rule of Law

Rational Alternative to Stop Online Piracy Act (House) or the Protect IP (Intellectual Property) Act

I wrote about this in a fax to Congress yesterday, as one of three topics which should be of profound concern to American Citizens, A…

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Posted in Information Age Police State America

BART Transit System (Illegally) Kills Cell Phone Service to Stop Protests

This is a simply awesome indicator of how totally the rule of law has collapsed in the hands of our corporate overlords. Oakland — BART’s…

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Posted in Constitution, Bill of Rights Corporate Oligarchy End of Privacy Information Age

Facebook’s Randi Zuckerberg: Anonymity Online ‘Has To Go Away’

As reported today on Huffington Post: Randi Zuckerberg, Facebook’s marketing director, has a fix for cyberbullying: stop people from doing anything online without their names…

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Posted in End of Privacy Information Age Police State America

Not to Be Outdone by Apple, Google’s Android Tracks Everywhere You Go, Too. Michigan Police Taking Data Already for Years.

I wrote earlier this week about the revelation that Apple was recording everywhere an iPhone went in a hidden file on the iPhone, and on…

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