Posted in Deficit Economy It's OK If You're a Republican Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Republican GOPosaur Party

Under What Presidents Did National Debt Grow the Most?

Reagan 189.0% Bush 43 89.0% Bush 41 51.6% Carter 42.6% Clinton 36.0% Obama 34.0% National Debt by President Since 1976

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Posted in Corporate Oligarchy Failure of American Journalism It's OK If You're a Republican Republican GOPosaur Party

Ron Paul’s Newsletters Exemplify the Control of the Press by the Corporate Oligarchy

The past week has seen research and publication exposing multiple instances from Ron Paul’s newsletters to his supporters over the past couple of decades. The…

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Posted in Clown Car GOP It's OK If You're a Republican Republican GOPosaur Party

Newt Gingrich. Master Historian. Pearl Harbor. Virginia. OMG ONOZ!

So I read this morning that Newt’s staff are desperately trying to spin his campaign’s failure to file enough signature to even get the salamander…

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Posted in Censorship Congressional Fail Number Nth It's OK If You're a Republican Letters to Congress Police State America Republican GOPosaur Party The 1%

Boehner’s Office and GOP Censor C-SPAN Live Broadcast of House

I still remember the contempt shown the American people by the GOP starting during the Reagan presidency, when those protecting Reagan from the press simply…

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Posted in Constitution, Bill of Rights It's OK If You're a Republican Republican GOPosaur Party Rule of Law

Governor of Florida Asked to Pee into Cup for Drug Test During News Conference

Seems fair to me. Of course, you can no longer distinguish between satire and reality in American politics. Really, when reading the Washington Post, I…

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