Posted in Constitution, Bill of Rights Letters to Congress Middle Class Death Rule of Law

New York Attorney General Kicked Off Task Force Probing Foreclosure Abuses; Obama Backs the Dirty Bankers

This is so blatant it pretty much sums up how the rule of law is dead in this nation. The mortgage industry is clearly guilty…

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Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Deficit Letters to Congress Taxes

Supermajorities of Americans (and Billionaire Socialist Warren Buffett) Say: Raise Taxes to Reduce the Deficit; Create Jobs for Americans

23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit Posted without any need for comment, apparently, since it speaks for itself, by Bruce…

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Posted in Letters to Congress President Obama

Critical Response to Obama’s Actions as President is NOT an Act of Racism

This commentary has been faxed to the White House, and to Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Harry Reid. There is a diary on the progressive…

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Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Deficit Income Inequality It's OK If You're a Republican Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Letters to Congress Mediscare Social Security

A Reality Check on Where and What the National Debt Is Owed and its Origins

In a fascinating, simple, yet brutal accounting of where and what the debt is, Stephen Squibb breaks down the where, the to whom, the why,…

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Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Deficit Economy Income Inequality It's OK If You're a Republican Letters to Congress Middle Class Death

Paul Krugman: The President’s Surrender on Debt Ceiling

Paul Krugman, Nobel Economist, on this deal: …For the deal itself, given the available information, is a disaster, and not just for President Obama and…

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