Month: January 2012
Megaupload Take-Down, Copyright and IP, and Why SOPA / PIPA Are Still Bad Law
Ron January 22, 2012
There has been much in the news the past few days on the take-down of Megaupload. The US government dropped a nuclear bomb on “cyberlocker”…
Posted in Ethics and Morals in Society It's OK If You're a Republican Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance
Newt’s Lapses? “What About Obama’s Lapses”
Ron January 19, 2012
I read where someone had the temerity, at a town hall meeting in South Carolina, to question Newt’s moral lapses. Question: My question to you,…
Senate PIPA (In the House SOPA) Bill, and The Total Corruption of Congress by Lobbyist Money
Ron January 18, 2012
I just used the option provided today on the web site DailyKos to send email to my Indiana Senators, Lugar and Coats, protesting the Protect…
Posted in Failure of American Journalism It's OK If You're a Republican Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Republican GOPosaur Party
Post-Truth American Elections
Ron January 14, 2012
Professor Krugman, in a recent column in the New York Times, points out what finally may be seeping into the consciousness of many Americans at…
Posted in Corporate Oligarchy Corporate Welfare Ethics and Morals in Society It's OK If You're a Republican Republican GOPosaur Party
Mitt Romney and Bain Capital Corporate Vulture Capitalism, Brought to You by Newt Super Pac
Ron January 12, 2012
Well, it is sort of stunning to see what is one of the most effective, devastating political ads / movies in decades, not because it…