Month: February 2012
Posted in Health Care in America
Measles, the Superbowl, and the Insanity Leading Parents to NOT Vaccinate Children
Ron February 25, 2012
I read where a measles outbreak in Indiana around the time of the recent Superbowl has made the news. he controversy over vaccinating children —…
GOP Supporters Attacking Rick Santorum as “Too Extreme”
Ron February 22, 2012
The GOP establishment is in full freakout mode over the continued rise of Rick Santorum in the polls, and the threat to the inevitable candidacy…
Posted in Health Care in America Letters to Congress Religion Republican GOPosaur Party Separation Church and State War on Women
Religious Freedom or the American Taliban?
Ron February 21, 2012
Suddenly for the GOP, religious freedom means imposing your religion on others, and declaring birth control unacceptable. Of course all real Americans hate the intrusions…
Krugman on the Total Failure of Austerity and the Defict Hawks
Ron February 21, 2012
Romney is now running against Santorum on the claim that he, Romney, is the true Deficit Hawk(tm), while Santorum is just really a Democrat in…
You Can’t Put a Gun Rack in a Volt
Ron February 20, 2012
If you do not understand that the following is a sign that the entire GOP party is bat shit crazy, and has dissociated entirely from…