Category: War on Women
Democrats in Texas Show What a Real Filibuster Is, Stop Unconstitutional Legislation
Ron June 26, 2013
Hundreds of jeering protesters helped stop Texas lawmakers from passing one of the toughest abortion measures in the country, shouting down Senate Republicans and forcing…
Safeway General Counsel’s Sexist Joke, and an Apology to All Pigs
Ron May 17, 2012
I see where Safeway Corporation’s general counsel is reported to have told the most knee slapping funny joke at the annual shareholders’ meeting. You know,…
Mitt Romney and Deadbeat Welfare Moms
Ron April 17, 2012
Well, I read where Mitt Romney has declared that deadbeat moms on welfare should be forced to go out and get a job or lose…
RMoney’s Wife Ann Will Save Us from the Blackness in the White House!
Ron April 5, 2012
Well, isn’t that special. Mitt’s handlers have decided to throw Ann, his wife, into the limelight, obviously in the belief it will be a great…
OMG ONOZ! Rush Limbaugh’s Freedom of Speech is Being Violated by an Army of Sluts!
Ron March 10, 2012
I see where Rush Limbaugh’s defenders are getting desparate now that most of his major sponsors have asked their ads no longer support his show….