Category: American Exceptionalism
Removal of Egypt’s Morsi Illustrates Abject Failure of American Journalism
The Egyptian military has removed President Morsi of Egypt from office, and arrested him and much of the leadership of the radical Islamic Brotherhood. This…
Dying Vet’s Letter to Bush and Cheney on the Iraq War; Rumsfeld as Blood-Gargling Psychopath.
Rumsfeld’s colossal Twitter fail. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of launching the Iraq War, Rumsfeld tweets the following: @RumsfeldOffice 10 yrs ago began the long,…
Medicare for All. Proof In Latest Study On Health in 17 Richest Nations
Not that I expect Congress and the American People to suddenly snap to attention, and say “Oh, right, science and verifiable, factual data, that’s what…
Pretending to Be America. Newt Gingrich and Arresting Judges He Disagrees With.
I think of all the things in the past couple of decades that I have come to have the most difficulty in comprehending is the…
About that Right to Peacefully Assemble and Petition?
Here is a video on Youtube that was put together collating multiple videos shot of the pepper spray incident from multiple vantage points, time synchronized…