Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Deficit Economy

ETrade Baby and the Stock Market Collapse

Here is the ETrade baby responding to the current economic collapse of the market and the bond ratings. I would say enjoy, but I am…

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Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Deficit Income Inequality It's OK If You're a Republican Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Letters to Congress Mediscare Social Security

A Reality Check on Where and What the National Debt Is Owed and its Origins

In a fascinating, simple, yet brutal accounting of where and what the debt is, Stephen Squibb breaks down the where, the to whom, the why,…

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Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Deficit Economy Income Inequality It's OK If You're a Republican Letters to Congress Middle Class Death

Paul Krugman: The President’s Surrender on Debt Ceiling

Paul Krugman, Nobel Economist, on this deal: …For the deal itself, given the available information, is a disaster, and not just for President Obama and…

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Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Deficit Income Inequality Letters to Congress Mediscare Middle Class Death Social Security

That is not only grotesquely immoral, it is bad economic policy.

I think Sen. Bernie Sanders sums up the proposed bill to extend the debt ceiling perfectly. My emphasis added. “The Republicans have been absolutely determined…

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Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Deficit Economy Letters to Congress Republican GOPosaur Party

Republican Bruce Bartlett and the NYTimes On the Debt Ceiling Facts vs. Fantasy

The House Republicans have just finished a 48 hour marathon debating amongst themselves whether to pass a flawed bill that would only extend the debt…

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