Posted in Constitution, Bill of Rights It's OK If You're a Republican

Andrew Breitbart Sued by Shirley Sherrod, Runs Like Scalded Dog

Andrew Breitbart has become (in)famous for taking video of progressives and liberals, editing the hell out of it to so totally distort it that it…

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Posted in Constitution, Bill of Rights End of Privacy Police State America

Well, God Forbid We Get Upset About Warrantless Surveillance and Sue the FBI

I just read in the latest SANS Institute Newsbytes newsletter a report that pretty much sums up the total collapse of the rule of law…

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Posted in Constitution, Bill of Rights Corporate Oligarchy Economy

SCOTUS to Hear (and Dismiss) Walmart Discrimination Case

According to news reports, an important case is coming up before the Supreme Court of the United States. Walmart Stores, the world’s largest retailer, went…

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Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Constitution, Bill of Rights Information Age

Law? What Rule of Law?

We are in an era in these United States when the law simply means nothing to those in power. It is to be ignored at…

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Posted in Constitution, Bill of Rights

Ralph Nader Writes George Bush’s Letter to Obama

Dear President Obama: As you know I’ve been peddling my book Decision Points and while doing interviews, people ask me what I think of the…

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