Category: Corporate Oligarchy
Express Scripts vs. American Jobs vs. Profit: Greed is Good
Ron November 20, 2010
The greed of the plutocratic and corporate ruling classes of this nation know no bounds anymore. The CEO of Express Scripts made 10 Millilion Dollars…
President Obama: FIGHT Bush tax cuts for millionaires!
Ron November 12, 2010
(I faxed this post to Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Bayh, Lugar, and Hill on November 19th, 2010.) Sign the petition demanding that Obama not cave to…
Ron November 10, 2010
It is crystal clear that the greatest threat to the viability of our representative democracy is the concentration of ownership in the media industry. This…
Paul Krugman on “Punishing the Jobless”
Ron July 5, 2010
Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman published a column in the New York Times on July 4th that relates directly to my posts here of…
Wall Street Bailout Exceeds Cost of All US Wars Combined
Ron July 4, 2010
On July 2nd, I faxed Sen. Lugar and Rep. Hill my thoughts on their vote against extending unemployment benefits. I want to credit Rep. Hill…