Category: Corporate Oligarchy
Top Ten Facts About How the Koch Brothers Are Destroying Democracy in America
Ron April 11, 2012
Robert Greenwald is coming out with a new film, Koch Brothers Exposed. Greenwald posts on DailyKos list of ten of the most egregious acts of…
Newt Complains Audience in Latest GOP Debate Stacked Against Him
Ron January 27, 2012
As reported by Huffington Post: Members of Newt Gingrich’s campaign accused Mitt Romney’s campaign of packing the audience for the Republican presidential candidate debate on…
Megaupload Take-Down, Copyright and IP, and Why SOPA / PIPA Are Still Bad Law
Ron January 22, 2012
There has been much in the news the past few days on the take-down of Megaupload. The US government dropped a nuclear bomb on “cyberlocker”…
Posted in Corporate Oligarchy Corporate Welfare Ethics and Morals in Society It's OK If You're a Republican Republican GOPosaur Party
Mitt Romney and Bain Capital Corporate Vulture Capitalism, Brought to You by Newt Super Pac
Ron January 12, 2012
Well, it is sort of stunning to see what is one of the most effective, devastating political ads / movies in decades, not because it…
Support Indiana Democrats Efforts to Block “Right to Work” Legislation
Ron January 8, 2012
All Hoosiers who care about the ability of workers to organize and bargain to protect their rights against the predatory corporate oligarchy need to let…