Category: Corporate Oligarchy
Ron Paul’s Newsletters Exemplify the Control of the Press by the Corporate Oligarchy
The past week has seen research and publication exposing multiple instances from Ron Paul’s newsletters to his supporters over the past couple of decades. The…
Online Piracy Bill Is Still Bad Legislation That Will Destroy the Internet. Feeling Like We Are “Back in the USSR
The truth of the matter is, the MPAA appears to have authored the so-called stop online piracy acts that members of Congress are trying to…
Constitutional Amendment to Ban Corporate Personhood Introduced by Senator Sanders
The decision by the United States Supreme Court in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission case to grant “personhood” to corporations, and invalidate the…
His Satanic Majesty Rupert Murdoch Lobbys for Internet Censorship
Need another good reason to oppose the current bills in Congress that will pretty allow corporations and government to arbitrarily censor the Internet without having…
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels Joins Wisconsin, Michican, and Florida Governors on the Anti-Union, Anti-Worker Crazy Train
The AFL-CIO polled citizens of Indiana, and found a majority oppose this effort by the GOP in the State Legislature. For Immediate Release: Wednesday, Dec….