Category: Failure of American Journalism
Washington Post Editorial On Being Uncivil to Monsters
Ron June 26, 2018
The editorial board of the Washington Post just published one of the worst, most stupifyingly idiotic editorials ever to appear on the pages of the…
Posted in Bat Shit Crazy Clown Car GOP Donald Trump Failure of American Journalism Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance
Donald Trump and Know Nothingism and Anti-Intellectualism in America
Ron March 6, 2018
So a near life long friend dropped me an email pointing to New York Times commentary on Donald Trump by Charles Blow. Chaos. That seemed…
Trump and Hurricane Harvey, Having a Good Time?
Ron September 18, 2017
Currently the right wing is circulating a photoshopped picture of Trump, in his suit, supposedly reaching out to help a flood victim out of the…
The Ultimate Hilladriel Clinton Opinion Piece
Ron April 20, 2015
Jason Linkins over at HuffingtonPost has a brilliant piece up. It is a master template from which all opinion pieces written about Hillary Clinton’s run…
The Economist Book Review. Were All Slaves Vicitms? All Slaveowners Villains?
Ron September 7, 2014
So The Economist posts an authorless review of a new book which supposedly looks at the role of slavery in the history of the development…