Category: Failure of American Journalism
Faux Noise Nutwork Suddenly Complaining About the 3,452nd GOP Debate This Cycle
Ron January 29, 2012
Well, fancy that, coming from one of the talking heads at Faux Noise Nutwork. Chris Wallace on Saturday said what many journalists, television viewers and…
Posted in Failure of American Journalism It's OK If You're a Republican Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Republican GOPosaur Party
Post-Truth American Elections
Ron January 14, 2012
Professor Krugman, in a recent column in the New York Times, points out what finally may be seeping into the consciousness of many Americans at…
Posted in Corporate Oligarchy Failure of American Journalism It's OK If You're a Republican Republican GOPosaur Party
Ron Paul’s Newsletters Exemplify the Control of the Press by the Corporate Oligarchy
Ron December 26, 2011
The past week has seen research and publication exposing multiple instances from Ron Paul’s newsletters to his supporters over the past couple of decades. The…
Posted in American Exceptionalism Constitution, Bill of Rights Failure of American Journalism Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Police State America
Pretending to Be America. Newt Gingrich and Arresting Judges He Disagrees With.
Ron December 19, 2011
I think of all the things in the past couple of decades that I have come to have the most difficulty in comprehending is the…
Posted in Ethics and Morals in Society Failure of American Journalism Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Religion Rule of Law
Boycotting Lowes for Their Caving to the Irrational Bigots Among Us
Ron December 12, 2011
I just posted the following message to Lowe’s via their customer service web page. Because of your decision to pull ads from the Discovery Channel…