Category: Health Care in America
Yes, Virginia, the Republicans DID Vote to END Medicare
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has gone public with a new web site: Don’t End Medicare. The howls of the Republicans are filling the nation….
Republican Hypocrisy on Mediscare Simply Knows No Bounds
This people are simply shameless hypocrites and liars. As I wrote yesterday, 42 House Republicans published a tearful, whining letter to the Democrats, begging them…
Republicans in House Begging Democrats Not to Mention their Votes to Kill Medicare
The subtitle of this piece should be: Old Age is the ultimate preexisting condition. I know the Republican party has always had a problem with…
The Ryan Plan to Kill Medicare is a Reward for the Inefficient For-Profit Private Insurance Corporations
It is not surprising, since it has become the Republican way, but the Ryan plan to destroy Medicare and replace it with vouchers is being…
Rep. Ryan’s Plan to Destroy Medicare is a Windfall Plan for Private Insurance Profits
Wendall Potter, famous as whistleblower regarding the unethical and even criminal actions by CIGNA and the insurance industry’s focus on profits over patient coverage, has…