Category: Letters to Congress
Payroll Tax Holiday, Income Inequality, GOP Hypocrisy, and the Fall of Rome
Ron December 20, 2011
In 2009, the GOP supported a two month extension of the then current payroll tax holiday. They argued that it was important still because it…
Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Economy Letters to Congress Mediscare Middle Class Death Republican GOPosaur Party
Bruce Bartlett, GOP Advisor to Reagan and H.W. Bush, Speaks Out on GOP Sabatoge of the Economy for Political Gain
Ron December 10, 2011
Bruce Bartlett is not exactly what one can call a lefty, socialist, liberal, or any other typical slur so casually slung about by the right…
Posted in Ballot Box Crisis Constitution, Bill of Rights Corporate Oligarchy Elections Letters to Congress
Constitutional Amendment to Ban Corporate Personhood Introduced by Senator Sanders
Ron December 10, 2011
The decision by the United States Supreme Court in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission case to grant “personhood” to corporations, and invalidate the…
A Thank You Note to Rep. Todd Young (IN-09) for Constituent Outreach
Ron December 7, 2011
I fax all my communications to Congressional representatives, both houses, speakers, and the White House; plus I post them to this web site and state…
Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Corporate Oligarchy Corporate Welfare Income Inequality Letters to Congress Taxes The 1%
A Great Week in America for Freedom, Democracy, and the American Way of Life
Ron December 2, 2011
This has been a great week in America. 1. A bill was passed by the Senate that includes indefinite detention in internment camps by the…