Category: President Obama
Comment in Petition to Pres. Obama to Support Network Neutrality
Ron August 7, 2014
The popular progressive web site DailyKos has a petition up to President Obama, asking him to stick by his words this week that ‘his administration…
Posted in Constitution, Bill of Rights Information Age Police State America President Obama Rule of Law Total Information Awareness
White House Published Recommendations to Control NSA Spying. Action? Pfft.
Ron December 19, 2013
LIBERTY AND SECURITY IN A CHANGING WORLD 12 December 2013 That is the title of the report to the President which has just been presented,…
Posted in Failure of American Journalism Health Care in America Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance President Obama Republican GOPosaur Party
Enough With the Right Wing Disinformation on “Obamacare”, the ACA
Ron November 3, 2013
My disgust with the lies and disinformation campaigns of the right wing and the GOP in regard to the nature and implementation of the Affordable…
Posted in BushCheney Constitution, Bill of Rights Letters to Congress President Obama Rule of Law War is Peace
Obama Drives to War on Syria; Constitution in Dustbin of History; Eisenhower on the Militaryindustrial Complex
Ron September 1, 2013
It’s September 1st, leading up to a Labor Day Holiday. Do you know where your Constitution and responsibility launching war against other nations is, You…
Posted in Bat Shit Crazy Corporate Oligarchy Income Inequality Letters to Congress Mediscare Middle Class Death President Obama Social Security Taxes The 1%
Obama’s Obscene Budget; Cuts to Social Security and Medicare and Tax Relief for the Rich
Ron April 11, 2013
It is nearly impossible to describe the level of disgust I feel toward the budget presented by President Obama. At the same time, I stand…