Posted in Racism Rule of Law Violent Rhetoric in America

Special Prosecutor Affadavit Charging Zimmerman with Murder of Trayvon Martin

Rather than endless speculation and rumor and wholesale lies and slander which have permeated the media and the blogs, here is the actual document filed…

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Posted in Constitution, Bill of Rights Police State America Rule of Law

The National Movement to Make Filming the Police in Public Illegal

About that looming police state meme: In Cook County today Judge Stanley J. Sacks declared Illinois’ eavesdropping law—which is one of the toughest in the…

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Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Corporate Oligarchy Information Age Rule of Law

Megaupload Take-Down, Copyright and IP, and Why SOPA / PIPA Are Still Bad Law

There has been much in the news the past few days on the take-down of Megaupload. The US government dropped a nuclear bomb on “cyberlocker”…

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Posted in Constitution, Bill of Rights Information Age Letters to Congress Rule of Law

Senate PIPA (In the House SOPA) Bill, and The Total Corruption of Congress by Lobbyist Money

I just used the option provided today on the web site DailyKos to send email to my Indiana Senators, Lugar and Coats, protesting the Protect…

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Posted in Ethics and Morals in Society Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Religion Rule of Law

Inspired by Jesus General to Write Once More to Lowe’s

Inspired by ACTION ALERT: Stop Lowe’s from using Arabic Numerals, and as a followup to my email to Lowe’s a few days ago, I just…

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