Category: Constitution, Bill of Rights
Posted in BushCheney Constitution, Bill of Rights Letters to Congress President Obama Rule of Law War is Peace
Obama Drives to War on Syria; Constitution in Dustbin of History; Eisenhower on the Militaryindustrial Complex
Ron September 1, 2013
It’s September 1st, leading up to a Labor Day Holiday. Do you know where your Constitution and responsibility launching war against other nations is, You…
The Imperial Presidency and the End of the Constitution and Rule of Law
Ron February 22, 2013
I was recently discussing with a friend my total disgust with how we have moved so far from being a Constitutional state to the point…
Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Constitution, Bill of Rights Government or Not? It's OK If You're a Republican Letters to Congress
Enforce the Talking Filibuster Only. Insure Majority Rule, 50% Plus One Vote in the Senate.
Ron January 21, 2013
I have just signed the following petition directed at Senator Reid, sponsored by the Communications Workers of America. As the new Congress begins, it is…
Posted in Clown Car GOP Congressional Fail Number Nth Constitution, Bill of Rights Corporate Oligarchy Deficit Economy Letters to Congress President Obama Taxes The 1%
Let ALL Tax Cuts Expire. Revenue Reduces Debt. It Is That Simple.
Ron January 1, 2013
Faxed to Indiana Congressional Delegation, Pelosi, Reid, and the White House, on New Year’s Day, 2013. I am at this point sick and disgusted with…
Posted in Constitution, Bill of Rights Corporate Oligarchy Ethics and Morals in Society Health Care in America Religion Rule of Law Separation Church and State
Hobby Lobby Offered Birth Control Until Federal Law Required Them to Provide It
Ron December 29, 2012
The owners of Hobby Lobby are pitching a fit and trying to raise the rabble of the right wing against the AHA provisions that require…