Category: Government or Not?
Conan and Renewable Energy
Ron December 5, 2011
I never understood how the former Gubinator could run for office on the GOP ticket. He has published an opinion piece on the importance of…
Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Government or Not? Health Crisis in America Letters to Congress Separation Church and State War on Women
The Republican War Not Just on Women, but Freedom and the Constitution and Bill of Rights
Ron May 4, 2011
On Wednesday, May 4, 2011, the so-called “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act”, H.R. 3, is scheduled to come to the floor of the House…
Posted in Government or Not?
Taxes, Simple Math, and a Pot to Piss In
Ron March 6, 2010
I read this morning that the fine people of Arizona are finally all having a hissy fit because, due to the current Arizona budget shortfall,…