Category: Information Age
Megaupload Take-Down, Copyright and IP, and Why SOPA / PIPA Are Still Bad Law
Ron January 22, 2012
There has been much in the news the past few days on the take-down of Megaupload. The US government dropped a nuclear bomb on “cyberlocker”…
Senate PIPA (In the House SOPA) Bill, and The Total Corruption of Congress by Lobbyist Money
Ron January 18, 2012
I just used the option provided today on the web site DailyKos to send email to my Indiana Senators, Lugar and Coats, protesting the Protect…
Posted in Constitution, Bill of Rights Corporate Oligarchy Information Age Police State America Total Information Awareness
Online Piracy Bill Is Still Bad Legislation That Will Destroy the Internet. Feeling Like We Are “Back in the USSR
Ron December 16, 2011
The truth of the matter is, the MPAA appears to have authored the so-called stop online piracy acts that members of Congress are trying to…
When I Open Comments on the Blog…
Ron December 11, 2011
I plan, after appropriate research on how to control spam, and deciding whether to moderate comments (which is too much work, as far as I…
His Satanic Majesty Rupert Murdoch Lobbys for Internet Censorship
Ron December 8, 2011
Need another good reason to oppose the current bills in Congress that will pretty allow corporations and government to arbitrarily censor the Internet without having…