Posted in Failure of American Journalism It's OK If You're a Republican Republican GOPosaur Party

Mitt Romney. Liar. Rachel Maddow Does Actual Journalism.

From MSNBC. Rachel Maddow commits actual, honest journalism. Would that the rest of our treasured Fourth Estate would do their jobs and actual the truth….

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Posted in Clown Car GOP Ethics and Morals in Society It's OK If You're a Republican Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Republican GOPosaur Party The 1%

Mitt RMOney, the Etch-a-Sketch Candidate

Mitt Romney has now responded to the Etch-a-Sketch story, in which his top aide said voters minds were like an Etch-a-Sketch: Mitt could reposition back…

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Posted in Ethics and Morals in Society It's OK If You're a Republican Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance War on Women

Rush Limbaugh, Canker Sore on the American Psyche

Well, the default leader of the Republican party appears to be feeling the heat of the firestorm of criticism that exploded in the wake of…

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Posted in It's OK If You're a Republican Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Republican GOPosaur Party

Santorum Wipes Romney’s Slate in Three Primary States

Interesting twist in the GOP primary Clown Car Parade. Mitt Romney lost, big time, in three primary states yesterday, to His Frothiness, Rick Santorum. (Just…

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Posted in Ethics and Morals in Society Health Care in America Health Crisis in America It's OK If You're a Republican War on Women

Karen Handel of Komen: We’ll Just Pretend It’s About Investigations and Dump Planned Parenthood

My prior post covered the debacle of the dabbling of the Komen “Run for the Cure” organization’s dabbling in the black arts of right wing…

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