Category: Letters to Congress
Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Government or Not? Health Crisis in America Letters to Congress Separation Church and State War on Women
The Republican War Not Just on Women, but Freedom and the Constitution and Bill of Rights
Ron May 4, 2011
On Wednesday, May 4, 2011, the so-called “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act”, H.R. 3, is scheduled to come to the floor of the House…
Even the Washington Post Starts to Get It on the Madness of Congress and the Deficit?
Ron May 1, 2011
I am having a hard time believing my eyes, but today even the Washington Post seems to have been seized with either an attack of…
Posted in Corporate Oligarchy Deficit Economy Health Care in America Health Crisis in America Letters to Congress Mediscare Taxes
The Ryan Plan to Kill Medicare is a Reward for the Inefficient For-Profit Private Insurance Corporations
Ron April 29, 2011
It is not surprising, since it has become the Republican way, but the Ryan plan to destroy Medicare and replace it with vouchers is being…
Show Me Your Papers, Comrade. New Passport Application Biographical Data Requirements.
Ron April 26, 2011
Anyone still naively thinking this nation is not headed towards becoming a police state needs to rethink their position. Here is the latest example. The…
Posted in Congressional Fail Number Nth Corporate Oligarchy Health Care in America Letters to Congress Mediscare
Rep. Ryan’s Plan to Destroy Medicare is a Windfall Plan for Private Insurance Profits
Ron April 22, 2011
Wendall Potter, famous as whistleblower regarding the unethical and even criminal actions by CIGNA and the insurance industry’s focus on profits over patient coverage, has…