Category: Republican GOPosaur Party
You Can’t Put a Gun Rack in a Volt
Ron February 20, 2012
If you do not understand that the following is a sign that the entire GOP party is bat shit crazy, and has dissociated entirely from…
Posted in It's OK If You're a Republican Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Republican GOPosaur Party
Santorum Wipes Romney’s Slate in Three Primary States
Ron February 8, 2012
Interesting twist in the GOP primary Clown Car Parade. Mitt Romney lost, big time, in three primary states yesterday, to His Frothiness, Rick Santorum. (Just…
Mitt Romney Has Spent $16 Million Dollars to Buy the Primary in Florida
Ron January 31, 2012
Willard has spent $16 million dollars just in Florida. If that is not trying to buy an election, then I don’t know what is. By…
Faux Noise Nutwork Suddenly Complaining About the 3,452nd GOP Debate This Cycle
Ron January 29, 2012
Well, fancy that, coming from one of the talking heads at Faux Noise Nutwork. Chris Wallace on Saturday said what many journalists, television viewers and…
Newt Complains Audience in Latest GOP Debate Stacked Against Him
Ron January 27, 2012
As reported by Huffington Post: Members of Newt Gingrich’s campaign accused Mitt Romney’s campaign of packing the audience for the Republican presidential candidate debate on…