Category: Tea Party Astroturf
Posted in Bat Shit Crazy Clown Car GOP Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Republican GOPosaur Party Tea Party Astroturf Wingnuts
World Nut Weekly Threatens Justice Roberts With Impeachment If He Swears Obama In For Second Term
Ron January 4, 2013
In an article by a contributor (otherwise known among sapient beings as World Nut Weekly), the wingnuts are offered an open letter to Chief…
The Tea Party in Shambles: Grassroots vs. Astroturf
Ron December 26, 2012
The day after Labor Day, just as campaign season was entering its final frenzy, FreedomWorks, the Washington-based tea party organization, went into free fall. Richard…
Posted in Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Republican GOPosaur Party Tea Party Astroturf War on Women
Hermann Cain, and the Women Who Love Him. The GOP in a True Nutshell.
Ron December 3, 2011
Yesterday, Herman Cain’s campaign went live with a new web site: Women for Cain. For 24 hours, the blogs and even the mainstream media mocked…
Republicans: Hostage Takers
Ron July 29, 2011
The cartoon is posted with permission of our college years’ friend and since then award winning cartoonist, Howard Cruise.
Tea Party Suffers from Early Raptures in South Carolina?
Ron May 22, 2011
Perhaps these were the prematurely left-behind? The Rapture scarfed up Tea Partiers in South Carolina prematurely?? A newspaper in South Caroling reports on a fizzled…