Posted in Ethics and Morals in Society Health Care in America Health Crisis in America It's OK If You're a Republican War on Women

Karen Handel of Komen: We’ll Just Pretend It’s About Investigations and Dump Planned Parenthood

My prior post covered the debacle of the dabbling of the Komen “Run for the Cure” organization’s dabbling in the black arts of right wing…

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Posted in Ethics and Morals in Society Health Care in America Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance War on Women

The Non-Retraction by Komen of Its Withdrawal of Funds from Planned Parenthood

This past week saw a most dramatic example of self-immolation and self-destruction by an organization supposedly devoted to fund raising to support the fight against…

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Posted in Ethics and Morals in Society Religion

Corruption? In the Vatican? OMG ONOZ, You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me, Right?

Huffington Post story points to new allegations of financial corruption at Vatican City: The Vatican was shaken by a corruption scandal Thursday after an Italian…

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Posted in Ethics and Morals in Society It's OK If You're a Republican Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance

Newt’s Lapses? “What About Obama’s Lapses”

I read where someone had the temerity, at a town hall meeting in South Carolina, to question Newt’s moral lapses. Question: My question to you,…

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Posted in Corporate Oligarchy Corporate Welfare Ethics and Morals in Society It's OK If You're a Republican Republican GOPosaur Party

Mitt Romney and Bain Capital Corporate Vulture Capitalism, Brought to You by Newt Super Pac

Well, it is sort of stunning to see what is one of the most effective, devastating political ads / movies in decades, not because it…

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