Posted in Constitution, Bill of Rights Corporate Oligarchy Ethics and Morals in Society Health Care in America Religion Rule of Law Separation Church and State

Hobby Lobby Offered Birth Control Until Federal Law Required Them to Provide It

The owners of Hobby Lobby are pitching a fit and trying to raise the rabble of the right wing against the AHA provisions that require…

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Posted in Religion Separation Church and State

Young Catholic Man Denied Confirmation for Supporting LGBT Rights at Ballot Box

As reported in one local newspaper: BARNESVILLE, Minn. – If you want to be a Catholic, you have to be 100 percent Catholic. That’s the…

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Posted in Ethics and Morals in Society Religion Separation Church and State The 1%

Corruption in Catholic Church Banking, and Deer Hunting in Wisconsin.

Well, what a shocker news item. Who could have, in their wildest imagination, thought that there would be financial corruption in the Catholic Church? Unthinkable!…

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Posted in Health Care in America Letters to Congress Religion Republican GOPosaur Party Separation Church and State War on Women

Religious Freedom or the American Taliban?

Suddenly for the GOP, religious freedom means imposing your religion on others, and declaring birth control unacceptable. Of course all real Americans hate the intrusions…

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Posted in Ethics and Morals in Society Religion

Corruption? In the Vatican? OMG ONOZ, You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me, Right?

Huffington Post story points to new allegations of financial corruption at Vatican City: The Vatican was shaken by a corruption scandal Thursday after an Italian…

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