Category: Republican GOPosaur Party
Prepare Yourself for a Presidential Campaign of Non-Stop Lies and Disinformation
Ron April 21, 2012
This is what the GOP is all about. This is how they are. This is what they do. They lie. Without hesitation. Without regard for…
Posted in Deficit Letters to Congress Mediscare Republican GOPosaur Party Social Security Taxes The 1%
GOP Simply Does Not Believe in Deficit Reduction. Blinding Hypocrisy and Desire to Destroy Medicare and Social Security.
Ron April 18, 2012
Well, the GOP is certainly on a roll. Yesterday they would not even allow a proposal that would insure that multi-millionaires are taxed at least…
Mitt Romney and Deadbeat Welfare Moms
Ron April 17, 2012
Well, I read where Mitt Romney has declared that deadbeat moms on welfare should be forced to go out and get a job or lose…
RMoney’s Wife Ann Will Save Us from the Blackness in the White House!
Ron April 5, 2012
Well, isn’t that special. Mitt’s handlers have decided to throw Ann, his wife, into the limelight, obviously in the belief it will be a great…
Posted in Health Care in America Letters to Congress Mediscare Republican GOPosaur Party Social Security The 1%
Paul Krugman on the Ryan Budget Proposal: “The Most Fraudulent in American History”
Ron April 2, 2012
Nobel economist Paul Krugman speaks out (selected quote and illustration below) on the sheer hypocrisy and disconnect from reality of the budget proposed by Rep….