James Comey vs. GOP Deep State Conspiracy Theory
Ron December 19, 2018
The Republicans in the House called James Comey in to a hearing, one last desperate measure to keep their false talking points on the Deep…
Time to Oppose Kavanaugh, Get On Right Side of History
Ron September 24, 2018
Following posted to Senators Todd Young and Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Monday, September 24, 2018. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are damning….
Posted in Bat Shit Crazy Congressional Fail Number Nth Constitution, Bill of Rights Corporate Oligarchy Donald Trump Letters to Congress Republican GOPosaur Party Rule of Law
Bob Woodward’s Book Fear Makes the Existential Threat of Trump Apparent
Ron September 5, 2018
Bob Woodward of Watergate fame has once again stepped up to the plate of history. He is publishing a book that basically exposes the fact…
Trump and Era of Jury Nullification, Clear Threat to the Rule of Law
Ron August 23, 2018
The day after the conviction of Paul Manafort on 8 of 18 counts, jurors are speaking out. One juror has revealed that the convictions would…
DCCC Decides to Help Liz Watson Flip IN-09 to Blue
Ron July 21, 2018
I see in the news this morning that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has decided to pitch in and help Liz Watson, the Democratic candidate…