Category: Clown Car GOP
Collapse of GOP Obamacare Repeal, the GOP as Evil Minions of the Oligarchy
Ron September 26, 2017
As the past week ended, the latest GOP effort to destroy Obamacare at the behest of their billionaire donors, in order to provide them another…
Trump and Hurricane Harvey, Having a Good Time?
Ron September 18, 2017
Currently the right wing is circulating a photoshopped picture of Trump, in his suit, supposedly reaching out to help a flood victim out of the…
A Little Premature to Declare Rubio the GOP Candidate
Ron October 30, 2015
OK, I just read my way down the front page of one of my favorite blogs, John Cole’s Balloon-Juice, which I read daily, for past…
Posted in Civil Rights Clown Car GOP Constitution, Bill of Rights Indiana Republican GOPosaur Party Rule of Law Separation Church and State
Gov. Spence Has Few Fans Among GOP Prez Candidates at the Moment
Ron April 1, 2015
Interesting article from right and conservative leaning political news website The Politico Indiana law backs GOP hopefuls into a corner. In one of my first…
Posted in Clown Car GOP Failure of American Journalism Faux Noise Nutwork Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Racism Religion
Wow, Jesus and St. Nick Were Really Fat Old White Men, Per Faux Noise Nutwork
Ron December 13, 2013
Did you know there is an organization, the St. Nicholas Center, that is devoted to the history of the saint that was the real historical…