Category: Clown Car GOP
Romney Criticism of DNC Emblematic of GOP Disconnect from Reality
Mitt Romney is here emblematic of the core GOP supporters. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney slammed the start of the Democratic National Convention in an…
Mitt RMoney: Laughstock Candidate for President
Seriously. Willard is not releasing his tax forms because John Kerry’s wife’s forms were not released when Kerry ran for president? Mitt: I’m not releasing…
Mitt RMOney, the Etch-a-Sketch Candidate
Mitt Romney has now responded to the Etch-a-Sketch story, in which his top aide said voters minds were like an Etch-a-Sketch: Mitt could reposition back…
GOP Supporters Attacking Rick Santorum as “Too Extreme”
The GOP establishment is in full freakout mode over the continued rise of Rick Santorum in the polls, and the threat to the inevitable candidacy…
Go to College? Speak With an Accent? Today’s GOP: Your Papers, Please!
Little Rickey Santorum is running for president. Little Rickey has proclaimed that going to college is just a silly waste of time for real Americans,…