Posted in Corporate Oligarchy Mitt Romney Republican GOPosaur Party The 1%

Paul Ryan Not Satisified With 47%, He Says 60% of Americans Are Moochers

I see that RMoney’s vice presidential candidate, not satisfied with Willard’s dismissal of the 47% of Americans he considers welfare recipients and not worthy of…

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Posted in Clown Car GOP Ethics and Morals in Society Income Inequality Mediscare Mitt Romney Republican GOPosaur Party Social Security The 1%

Mitten’s Math: I Think He Meant 99%, Not 47%

This morning, reading analysis and transcripts and reporting on the secret video tape of former presidential candidate Mitten’s hour spent at a $50,000 a head…

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Posted in Mitt Romney Republican GOPosaur Party The 1%

Republican lawmakers say Romney campaign needs to change course

Title is title of an article up on THe Hill Republican lawmakers are grumbling about the direction of Mitt Romney’s campaign and say he needs…

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Posted in Ethics and Morals in Society Mitt Romney President Obama Republican GOPosaur Party

Mitt Romney Smirks at Opportunity to Attack Obama, While American Ambassador is Being Murdered

On September 11, Violence exploded in the Middle East, with attacks on American embassies in more than one country. This violence was in reaction to…

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Posted in Clown Car GOP Know Nothing and Militant Ignorance Mitt Romney Republican GOPosaur Party

Romney Criticism of DNC Emblematic of GOP Disconnect from Reality

Mitt Romney is here emblematic of the core GOP supporters. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney slammed the start of the Democratic National Convention in an…

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